
Facebook users are on the horns of a dilemma: Blindly give away their personal information to any third-party app that interests them, or hoard their personal information and steer clear of all third-party apps. Facebook either can’t or won’t tell users which apps are safe and which are scams, so it’s apparently a case of […]

Feeling a Bit Overconnected? Join the Crowd…

Young people have done a good job of integrating technology into their lives, but they are also the ones who are most concerned about being over-connected. This finding is part a new report from the Pew Internet & American Life Project, The Mobile Difference, which discusses how different groups of American adults treat the latest […]

In Making Business Plan, Strategy

In this day and age, do you really need a business plan? After all, everyone’s in a hurry. In a world of 140-character tweets, can you really expect anyone to read a 30-page written business plan? Even if you’re courting investors, couldn’t you just to send them a few slides and financial projections? The concept […]


For website masters, visibility in Facebook pages about the declared subject is one inherent advantage of Open Graph, as is the ability to communicate with users, via Facebook, who have declared they like the site’s subject matter. Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg presents his vision of a cross-site social platform whose developmental state may already be […]

Google Now Counts Site Speed As Ranking Factor

Google has kept a promise it made last year Site speed is now a ranking factor in Google’s algorithm, and is already in place for U.S. searchers. But Google also cautions web site owners not to sacrifice relevance in the name of faster web pages, and even says this new ranking factor will impact very […]