The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Emailers

How often does this happen? You start the day with great intentions for barreling through a list of priorities. But at quitting time, you’ve only accomplished one: getting (most of) your email answered and filed. You congratulate yourself on having done that, though a nagging voice in the back of your head whispers that, really, […]

Branded content: Shoveling sh*t or fostering solutions?

The concept of branded content isn’t new; even as the pervasiveness of the digital lifestyle has given rise to the social consumer to provide brands with new channels of access, delivery formats, and greater self-initiated reach. The underlying premise is that brands using these social media tactics are an authority in their space. Yet, there’s […]

SEO Trends – What 2011 Holds for Us?

The most interesting area to look forward to is Search Engine Optimization (SEO), without which no website under the sun passes the fitness test. The SEO domain has got a tremendous boost owing to the growing popularity of social networking sites and various improvements in search technology. Social Media Optimization activities may include back links […]

In Making Business Plan, Strategy

In this day and age, do you really need a business plan? After all, everyone’s in a hurry. In a world of 140-character tweets, can you really expect anyone to read a 30-page written business plan? Even if you’re courting investors, couldn’t you just to send them a few slides and financial projections? The concept […]

Google Calls for Action on Web Limits

The director of public policy for Google, told a joint Congressional panel that the US should consider withholding development aid for countries that restrict certain Web sites. He said censorship had become more than a human rights issue… More Information For more information go to: